Monday Nov 17, 2014
Warrior Connection - 11/16/14
Monday Nov 17, 2014
Monday Nov 17, 2014
We continued our discussion on VA problems and solutions. Given the extent of the problems co-host Patricia Axelrod, Director Desert Storm Think Tank advocates abolishment of the VA and issuing medical access cards for civilian care at veterans choice similar to MEDICARE and TRICARE while co-hosts Denise Nichols and Doug Rokke advocate revamping the VA due to limitations in civilian care for military type injuries and illnesses. Upon reflection, given the extent of the problems that are far greater than resource management and prompt appointments and given the reluctance of VA officials to resolve the eternal problems Patricia just might be right. Denise had offered a path to resolve VA problems in 1999 during an IOM - NIH hearing in DC. They were ignored then as they are now. Either way something must be done as the imbedded problems are far worse than can be corrected through resource management. Essentially, evidences indicates that the VA is a vets adversary rather than an advocate. We will continue this discussion and invite participation. Upcoming programs are on Falujah and then on the last Sunday in November critical issue of legal aspects- suing the VA.